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How to Decrease Dark Spots and Undereye Circles

When you look in the mirror, do you notice dark spots or undereye circles? It can be frustrating to look like you are aging quicker than you really are as well as looking tired when you know you got a full night of rest. Thankfully, the dermatologists at the Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Institute have the best tips on how to decrease dark spots and undereye circles.

How to Reduce Dark Spots Under Your Eyes

Why Dark Spots and Undereye Circles Occur

Both men and women are subject to having dark spots and undereye circles, both of which can make you look older than you really are. While most people assume lack of sleep leads to dark spots and undereye circles, that is not the only cause. It can also be caused by aging, eye strain, allergies, dehydration, overexposure to the sun, and genetics.

Lack of sleep: When you do not get enough sleep or get too much sleep, it can cause your skin to become dull and pale. Dark tissues and blood vessels can then be more easily seen, which is when you notice dark spots and undereye circles.

Aging: As you age, your skin becomes thinner due to a loss of collagen and lack of elasticity. This makes dark blood vessels more apparent, causing them to darken and create circles.

Eye strain: Staring at your phone or computer all day can strain your eyes, resulting in the blood vessels around your eyes getting bigger and darkening.

Allergies: Dry eyes or allergies can cause your blood vessels to dilate, making them more visible and to appear as dark spots.

Dehydration: Water is so important for healthy skin. If you are not drinking enough water, your eyes can look sunken in, and dark spots and circles may appear.

Sun exposure: Too much time in the sun can cause pigmentation issues on the body parts most exposed, including under your eyes, resulting in darkness and circles.

Genetics: Undereye circles and dark spots can be hereditary.

Decrease Dark Spots and Undereye Circles

Dark spots and undereye circles can be treated through chemical peels or laser surgery. Chemical peels remove surface layers of the skin to reveal younger-looking skin while helping to reduce dark spots. First, a chemical solution is applied to the skin by a dermatologist. After it is neutralized and washed off, over the following days and weeks, you will notice the upper layers of skin “slough” off, and smoother skin will be underneath. You will also see a more consistent skin tone and dark spots minimized.

Additionally, laser therapies can help reduce pigmented or dark spots under the eyes. Fraxel Re:pair and Fraxel Re:store are two types of laser treatments that are successful in restoring lost pigmentation and eliminating redness and broken blood vessels. Both treatments help to improve natural collagen production to increase the elasticity in the face and eliminate undereye circles from forming. Chemical peels and laser therapies should be discussed with your dermatologist to determine which is best for your situation.

If you are tired of looking tired, let the dermatologists at the Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Institute help to decrease your dark spots and undereye circles. If you are in Bloomington, Illinois or the surrounding areas, complete this form, and a dermatologist will be in touch.

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